Reunión de Alto Nivel sobre Clima y Desarrollo Sostenible para todos

High-Level Meeting on the Protection of the Global Climate for Present & Future Generations of Humankind in the Context of the Economic, Social and Environmental Dimensions of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

28 March 2019, United Nations Headquarters, New York

Climate Change was the most commonly referenced topic during the general debate of the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly in September 2018.Of the 146 Member States that raised it, many cited climate change as the defining challenge of this era. This reflects the nature of climate change as a cross-cutting and immediate threat to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and to the survival and wellbeing of island nations and coastal communities. Climate Change is, moreover, increasingly a direct burden on Member States, yet can be an opportunity for systemic change to ensure resilient, productive, and healthy environment for present and future generations.

As per UNGA Resolution A/RES/72/219, the President of the General Assembly will convene a High- Level Meeting on the issue of the protection of the global climate for present and future generations of humankind in the context of the economic, social and environmental dimensions of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This High-Level Meeting will take an intergenerational approach in highlighting synergies between climate and broader SDGs. It will also focus on identifying specific actions, commitments, and means of implementation that can make a material difference to climate change mitigation and adaptation, or signal an emerging precedent for action.


The objectives of the high-level meeting are as follows:

  • Highlight the interlinkages between climate and economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development for present and future generations including the synergies between the climate agenda and Agenda 2030.
  • Promote the adoption of an intergenerational approach to climate action, taking into account recent report findings, and including mainstreaming tools, by providing an interface for dialogue and pledges between policymakers, leaders and representatives of present and future generations.
  • Highlight practical, as well as gender and age responsive means of implementation, notably: Climate Finance, Low-carbon energy and technologies and capacity building.
  • Provide a bridge in close coherence with other UN climate platforms: Building on the success of COP24 in Katowice, and in advance of COP25 in Chile in coordination with UNFCCC; Leading into the review of SDG13 at the HLPF in July, and under the GA in September; and in close coordination with the Secretary-General on the road to the 2019 Climate Summit in September, including the ‘stocktaking’ meeting in the United Arab Emirates in June.

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